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7 June 2022
Sleep Apnea

Do you ever feel unusually tired or suffer from headaches during the day? Do you ever wake up suddenly at night? Does your partner ever notice you have sudden breaks between breathing when you are sleeping?
If you do, you may suffer from sleep apnea. This is a common condition where your breathing stops and starts when you are sleeping. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
If your symptoms are mild you may not require any treatment. If it is proving to be a problem for you or your partner, there are a few treatments available.
At Seapoint Clinic, we offer mandibular advancement device which positions your lower jaw slightly forward when you sleep. This helps to make more space for your tongue and opens up your airway. It is a simple, non-invasive solution for many people.
If you would like to find out more, simply ask to see one of our sleep apnea experts for a consultation.