24 September 2024

Composite Bondings- 5 years on

Composite Bondings- 5 years on

The expected lifespan of a composite bonding is typically given as 3-5 years. That's what most dentists tell their patients. So what does that mean exactly.?

Does the bonding fall off after 5 years...?

Does the tooth turn black after 5 years?

5 years on

The typical situation can vary enormously after 5 years for a few key reasons

Materials- Premium composites are more likely to hold up in terms of colour than low cost versions. A cheap composite bonding will likely use a low filler composite which is easy to shape in the mouht but absorbs all stains and wears easily.

Smoking- If you smoke your bonding will nees alot of maintenance over the years. The slight porosity of the composite means some staning is inevitable. That's why porcelain is often a better choice all melse being equal.

Grinding/Forces- If you have high bite forces and grind teeth in your sleep then the bondings will be takibg alot of abuse..They may chip off in small or large sections...  They may also wear away considerably in this time perood.

Diet- If you love red wine and curry then you will find the composite bondings look tired after 5 years.. Quite possible a long time before that..

In general then after 5 years the bondings are still in place but they are less shiny, more stained and not as pretty as day 1.

What can be done?

A diamond cleanign with the hygienist can bring back some lustre and remove some stains.

Tooth whitening can help to remove any discolouration to them and the teeth themselves.

In some cases the best solution is a full redo. Stripping back the composite to bare tooth and bonding again from scratch. This is more common where there is evidence of staining between the tooth and composite itself.

Composite Bonding/Instant veneers Page

Note re case shown- Carried out by Dr Adeen Sulaiman in Blackrock Location

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