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30 October 2019
Halloween Top Dental Tips

With Halloween having been and gone, children (and some adults) across the country will have stockpiled bags of sweets. It can be easy for parents to turn a blind eye for one night only, but it's important to not forget about your dental health. With these simple steps, you can ensure your teeth remain bright and healthy.
Eat A Hearty Meal
You'll find you won't be tempted to snack on sweets for the night if you have a decent dinner. Snacking can increase your risk of cavities, a risk that only increases when it comes to sugary treats.
Avoid Overly Sticky Sweets
Try avoid sticky sweets such as cola bottles and toffee, as the stickier the sweet, the longer it takes to get washed away by saliva, increasing the risk of tooth decay.
Choose Carefully
It's best to avoid hard sweets that remain in your mouth for longer. Aside from snacking, the length of time sugary treats are in your mouth, the more likely you are to suffer the effects of tooth decay.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water can help prevent tooth decay.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Remember that just because there are sweets lying about, doesn't mean you should skip important meals. Healthy foods act as a fuel for your body, which in turn benefits your teeth and gums as well as your general health.
Avoid Fizzy Drinks
Teeth that come into frequent contact with sugary beverages are at a higher risk of tooth decay. Try stick to still, natural water.
Remember to Brush Your Teeth
If you have succumbed to any sugary delights, remember to brush your teeth immediately after. By doing so, you can help protect your teeth from decay.
Visit Your Dentist
It's vital that you remember to visit your dentist every 6 months. Although you may feel fine, your dentist will be able to spot any early signs of tooth decay and solve any potential problems before they become a serious risk.