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13 June 2023
White Teeth are Healthy Teeth

Do you love your car more when it is filthy or when it is clean...?
Do you care more for furniture when it is spotless or when it is covered in dirt...?
So it is for people's smiles too. When our teeth are whiter, straighter, and more beautiful, we tend to value them more... We tend to look after them more.. And guess what? In doing so we keep them healthier too!
If you have old, ugly metal fillings, leaky old crowns, or crooked teeth, you often have little value on them. You often can't or won't even look at them.
If you whiten those teeth, change the metal fillings to white, and straighten them, it can change how you feel about your teeth. It can therefore help you keep them better too.
Cosmetic dentistry isn't separate from dentistry. It is an important part of great dentistry.
Straight teeth are easier to keep clean and are more likely to last a lifetime.
Another benefit of cosmetic dentistry is that more and more evidence is emerging of the links between dental health and overall health. Looking after your teeth better could help reduce heart disease, strokes and lots of other diseases.
That is why cosmetic dentistry is so important, and we at Seapoint Clinic are proud to recommend it to you.

Whitening your teeth is a great way to start improving your smile and can be done in just a single visit.