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13 January 2022
Veneers Guide

Not many people realise that there are actually two types of veneer - porcelain and composite (instant). The main difference between the two is the materials and process involved when placing them - this also affects the length of time they will last.
Instant Veneers
Instant Veneers, otherwise referred to as composite veneers, can be completed in as little as 60 minutes and require no drilling to your natural teeth. Maintaining healthy, beautiful teeth is so much easier with this advanced non-invasive treatment option. So, how does it all work? Your cosmetic dentist will expertly layer the composite veneers around your teeth to your desired shape, shade and contour. You will leave the clinic straight away with a beautiful smile, not numb; ready to enjoy your new smile! It really is that straightforward! When maintained properly with regular check-ups and hygiene appointments, they can last 3-5 years.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain Veneers are made in a dental lab and therefore take two visits to fully complete (usually about 4 weeks apart). This involves minimally paring down the natural tooth to enable an impression to be taken to be sent to the dental lab. The veneer is then made by then lab and it is fitted by the dentist. There would be a temporary veneer placed on the tooth during the interim period. Porcelain veneers can lifespan is usually anywhere from 8-10 years.
If you're unsure which type of veneer best suits your specific needs, why don't you come into the clinic to meet with one of our cosmetic dentists for a consultation to discuss the best option for you. You can schedule an initial consultation here.