17 December 2019

7 Christmas Dental Tips

7 Christmas Dental Tips

We all know that Christmas is a time for spending time with family, friends, enjoying the festivities and of course over-indulging! So it's no surprise that your oral health can take a backseat during the festive season. However, these tips from our experienced dental team at Seapoint Clinic can make sure your teeth stay in tip-top shape!

Christmas Sweets & Toffees

Selection boxes, sweets and all sorts of treats can often mean sticky toffees. If you're waiting or currently having dental treatment, it might be best to avoid the sticky treats. Toffees can potentially pull off fillings, veneers, crowns or bridges. We're of course not telling you to avoid sweets, that would be impossible, but maybe leave the chocolate to melt ever so slightly to help reduce the possibility of any damage occurring. 

Avoid Crunching Ice Cubes

Chewing on ice can damage perfectly healthy tooth enamel and even break teeth. For those of us with sensitive teeth, it can cause discomfort and no one wants that on Christmas Day. Try stick to blenders when it comes to crushing ice for those Christmas cocktails.

Cut Down On Snacking

With so many treats dotted throughout the house, it's easy to find yourself picking away at snacks over the course of the day. However, constantly grazing on sugary treats can increase the risk of tooth decay. Try stick to snacking on treats in one sitting or as part of your meal. Bacteria in your mouth produces acid to break down sugar, so constantly eating sugary sweets means your mouth is under constant attack. 

Don't Use Your Teeth As A Tool

It's as traditional as Christmas itself...wrapping presents at the last minute! However, ripping open packaging and strips of tape with your teeth can potentially crack or weaken teeth as well as run the risk of dislodging a veneer or crown. Snacking on hard nuts can also shatter a molar, especially if you're opening hard nutshells with your teeth. We also can't stress enough to never open bottles with your teeth as the long term risks can cause serious dental damage.

A Little Bit of the Bubbly

It wouldn't be Christmas without a sparkling drink (or ten), but drinks such as Prosecco and lagers can damage your teeth over time if consumed on a regular basis. Always enjoy in moderation and be sure to drink plenty of water between those adult beverages.

Remember To Floss

We've all been there, something gets stuck between your teeth and you can't quite get it. If that is the case, try to gently remove trapped food using dental floss or an interdental brush. Swishing warm water or mouthwash can also help dislodge that piece of turkey.

Don't Forget Your Toothbrush

Christmas is a busy time for us all, but brushing your teeth should not be forgotten. If you get into the habit of not brushing regularly over the whole festive period, you may be putting your teeth and gums at risk of developing future problems. Always try to brush for two minutes, twice daily.

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