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7 August 2020
Tooth Decay Damage

For some time it looked like tooth decay was on the way out. It seemed like we had found the formula to eliminate tooth decay from the world... There was talk of a tooth decay vaccine. Fluoride toothpastes and fluoride in the water were having a massive effect on decay rates. It looked like even dentists may be putting themselves out of business, then life got in the way!
Sugar intake has gone through the roof in most of the developed world. More energy drinks are being guzzled than ever before and there is snacking on a level that never used to happen. It is now very hard to pass anywhere without an opportunity to pick up a tasty treat.
According to an American study- The cavity rate among children is more than a matter of a little pain and inconvenience. "Cavities beget cavities, People at risk for tooth decay remain at risk for as long as they have teeth. Cavities early in life set in motion a never-ending process of drilling and filling."
What this means is that it is really important to see your dentist & hygienist to check for cavities before they become large and damage the nerve. Fissure sealants are recommended for covering any pits and grooves in the teeth that can be affected by decay. These are placed without any need for injections and cured to form a hard clear coating on the teeth that decay can't get through.
As we live for longer we are also becoming more susceptible to tooth decay. Often the gum can recede over time and this leads to exposure of soft and rough dentine. This dentine is 7 times more likely to suffer from decay than enamel so once exposed it is at VERY high risk of tooth decay. Worse than that- any decay here hits the nerve much faster and it is usually a very hard area of the tooth to repair. That can mean root caries(decay) leads to very rapid tooth loss.
With an older population taking more medications the risk of tooth decay is ever increasing. All popular medications cause reduced salivary flow and that means more tooth decay too.
Top Tips
- Make sure you brush thoroughly for 2 minutes twice/day with fluoride toothpaste
- Try to limit sugar containing foods to meal times.
- See your dentist & hygienist every 6 months to protect teeth.