Regular trips to your dental hygienist will cut down on your dental costs, but if you really want to save money, you need to stay on top of the day-to-day care of your teeth as well. Here's our top tips to help save your money as well as your teeth!
- Having your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist every three to six months will help you avoid problems down the line, and catch existing problems, before they become really expensive to fix. Still tempted to put the hygiene visits on the long finger? Just remember: the cost for filling a cavity is much easier to swallow than the bigger cost and time associated with having root canal treatment, a crown or a dental implant.
- Detecting periodontal disease or the early signs of gum disease is one of the main reasons you should be seeing your hygienist every few months. If detected early, steps and procedures can be taken to help treat the problem and prevent it becoming any worse or leading to tooth lose.
- Periodontal disease can also be linked to a number of other diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. A recent Taiwanese study conducted by researchers at the Chung Shan Medical University has discovered gum disease and Alzheimer's disease may in fact be connected. The report found that people suffering from gum disease were 70% more likely to develop dementia and people with a 20 year history of chronic periodontitis, a form of persistent gum disease that can leads to bone loss, were at a significant risk of developing Alzheimer's. A report conducted by Kings College London and University of Southampton which involved 60 patients found mild to moderate levels of Alzheimer's. It revealed that inflammation as a result of prolonged dental issues can lead to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Our hygienists can check for the early signs of mouth cancer during your regular hygiene visit. Early prevention can save your life!
- The hygienist will be able to advise you on how to best clean and floss your teeth at each visit. They will also be able to detect any minor problems occurring in the mouth which could not only save you time, but a lot of money in unnecessary emergency dental trips later on. Along with also providing you with some helpful diet advice and ways to cut down on sugar, your hygienist will also be able to place fissure seals on your teeth that have already started to develop grooves, delaying the need for major fillings right away.
Tips To Prevent Gum Disease
- Brush twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush or an electric toothbrush
- Floss between each tooth, gently moving the floss under the gum line. Use supra-floss for crowns or implants
- Used fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash
- Eat foods rich in calcium, such as sugar-free yogurt, cheese and milk.
- Where possible, cut down on sugary snacks, treats and drinks or find healthier alternatives
- Cut down or quit smoking