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9 December 2021
Sugar, Sugar everywhere…!

The hygiene team had some amazing training yesterday from one of the world's leading expert in patient care. She was speaking about all the attacks teeth are getting now compared with years ago... Most of us probably have a vague idea that soft drinks aren't good for our teeth... What amazed us all though was just HOW BAD they can be... Some soft drinks are nearly as acidic as battery acid!! None of us would think to try battery acid but when it is packaged up nicely as a well known soft drink we are none the wiser...
There are some drinks though that we wouldn't expect to be too bad for our teeth. Coffee, most people would think ,can cause some staining and that's about it.. That used to be the case when coffee was a simple drink made with beans and water... As the above image shows though some "coffee" now can have as much as 25 teaspoons of sugar!! WOW...
Apart from the potential damage to your waistline such huge amounts of sugar provide a feast to the bacteria in your mouth... The bacteria produce acids and eat away your teeth...
All is not lost however. You can change to simpler coffee or tea which has far less sugar. If that's too much of a life change have a chat with our hygiene team. They are equipped with the best techniques and materials to protect your teeth from the invaders... With sealants being able to prevent up to 75% of decay on tooth grooves and prescription strength fluoride varnish able to reduce decay elsewhere you can still enjoy your favourite drink without teeth trouble...