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28 May 2020
Sore Tooth

A sore tooth can be one of THE WORST things in the world... Your whole world can literally STOP when it happens and nothing else seems important...
Throbbing Pain
If you have really severe THROBBING pain that is with you at night and stops you sleeping then you probably have a tooth where the nerve is dying or has died. The process causes swelling inside the tooth leading to extraordinary pain.. The only treatment for this is root canal treatment (Not as bad as it sounds..) or extraction of the tooth.
Short Pain
If the pain is only to cold and doesn't last for more than a few seconds the nerve inside the tooth probably has a fighting chance. The tooth might get away with just a deep filling or a crown. The key here is to get into the dentist as fast as you can. The longer the nerve is irritated the more likely you will end up losing the tooth (+ more severe pain later..)
In the meantime you can take over the counter medications to help the pain. You don't need narcotics to have a big effect and actually they don't work that well for dental pain even if you could get your hands on them...
We recommend a combination of paracetamol + Ibuprofen normally. Make sure you read the instructions and they are suitable for you. For severe pain 400mg Ibuprofen + 1G Paracetamol 3-4 times a day is very effective.
With painkillers you should try to start off with as low a dose as little as possible.
If you leave a tooth die it will usually develop into an abscess. That can in rare cases lead to severe swelling, blockage of the airway and even death. Sepsis can develop in the blood all from a single bad tooth...
When pain starts call the dentist and get in ASAP. That will mean less pain and it will give your tooth a fighting chance..