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15 September 2022
Selfie with a Tiger Anyone? A day in Dublin Zoo, root canal on a Tiger.

It's not an everyday occurrence that an entire team is assembled to help a tiger in need like this. But again, I couldn't have been more impressed with him the team at Dublin Zoo and the UCD veterinary school and hospital pulled out all of the stops to get this beautiful animal the care it needed.
This was my second visit to Dublin Zoo when last year it was to assist with some broken teeth in a chimpanzee. So what do you do when a Tiger has an infected canine tooth? The answer is perfectly simple really, the vet’s plan was to carry out the same care you would like a family member to be offered when the time was needed. Why would they plan for anything less.
So, there was no fewer than, a team of vets from the zoo led by vet Ms. Niamh McGill, the very knowledgeable specialist veterinary dentist Ms. Nora Schwitzer. PhD, Assistant Professor and Consultant Veterinary Anaesthetist Ms. Joei Potter, what seemed like the entire team of zoo staff headed by Mr. Ciaran McMahon (or so it seemed ;), full nursing team, support team, electricians, carpenters and yes of course, there was a health and safety person there. Rest assured. It was certainly a bit busier than the average dental operatory.
So an enormous well done to the team for their fantastic care provided. Tundra I'm sure appreciates you guys!