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23 March 2018
PRSI Dental Entitlements

What has changed?
The reintroduction of some dental entitlements for both employed and, now, self-employed people too, is a welcome governmental reversal of cuts made during the economic downturn. This benefit now includes over 450,000 self-employed people across the country.
Am I eligible?
We have an online system to check your eligibility. All we need are some basic details including your PPS number and we can let you know if you’re entitled right away.
What are my entitlements?
Here at Seapoint, our full consultation, is part dental check-up and part comprehensive analysis of your teeth. If eligible, your PRSI entitlement means you pay €50 instead of the usual €80. This is covered once per year.
Why Seapoint don’t do quick scale and polishes.
We strongly believe that a quick five or ten-minute scale and polish is entirely inadequate to maintain the health of your teeth and gums over your life. Our professional dental hygiene team spend a full 30 minutes on complete periodontal care of your whole mouth including worry spots. Your PRSI cover can bring the cost of this down to €45 per session. Again, you can avail of this benefit once per year.
What this means for you
Reducing costs of maintaining your healthy mouth is an initiative that we are proud to bring back to you. Small amounts spent on prevention is worth thousands spent on cures.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Thomas Linehan