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28 May 2020
How often can I change my orthodontic aligners?

Do you ever wonder if you can change your aligner a little faster to progress treatment along…? Often you can, but not always..!
Everyone has teeth that move at different rates. Some people have very soft bone and stretchy ligaments, which mean the teeth can move faster. For people in this situation it is often possible to change aligners faster than the standard 2 weeks.For patients who have more dense bone etc they may actually need more than the standard 2 week period.The best way to speed up your next aligner is to wear them as much as you can. If they are in your mouth for pretty much 24 hours a day then they will help move the teeth faster.Some people take them out for meals and then forget to put them back until bedtime. It’s likely people like that will need to wear aligners for longer..
Using chewies (or similar products) helps to accelerate the process of aligner straightening. By pressing hard down on the aligner it helps the aligner to fit better and to exert more of a force for movement. Try using them whenever you get a chance.There is also some technology now available that allows you to scan your mouth regularly. This can give a great guide as to how often your aligners can be changed. Dentalmonitoring.com.
For most patients the best guide to changing an aligner is when you no longer feel pressure putting it in. It must also look fully seated with no gaps between the teeth and the aligner. In that case it is likely the movement is happened and you are probably ok to go to the next aligner.
If in doubt check with your dentist or orthodontist.Dr Ed O Flaherty