30 June 2022

Fixed Palatal Expander

Fixed Palatal Expander

A palatal expander, often referred to as an orthodontic expander, is an oral device commonly used to remedy several common dental conditions. These devices are most commonly used in pre-adolescent children, but can also be used in teens and adults. If your child has a crossbite or narrow upper jaw, a dentist may recommend using a palate expander to correct it.

Palate expanders have been in use for many decades. So, just what are they used for?

Narrow Jaw/Bite

A narrow jaw can lack room for proper tooth alignment, which can cause crowded, crooked, and overlapping teeth. Since it reduces gum space, a narrow jaw can also lead to impacted teeth.

Palate expanders widen the upper jaw, making room for a child’s permanent teeth to erupt through the gums into their correct position.


Palate expanders are also used to correct crossbites. A crossbite is a type of dental malocclusion that causes the upper teeth to sit inside the lower teeth.

It's a form of orthodontic treatment that not many parents know about. Why not book your child in for an initial consultation with our orthodontic team!

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