16 April 2018

Did You Know: Dental Implants

Did You Know: Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best way to replace a missing tooth or teeth. Thanks to advancements made in modern dental technology, it's never been easier, faster or more affordable than ever before to get the smile you've always wanted. Dental implants are becoming increasingly more popular for patients of all ages, easily replacing missing teeth that can be the result of injury or natural loss. Are you considering dental implants and are maybe put off by the procedure? Don't worry, treatment is perfectly safe and you won't feel any long term discomfort. Maybe you're in the early stages of researching what treatment best suits you and don't know where to begin. Well, why not take a quick look at some of these little known facts to help you along the way...

Replace One or All Your Teeth

Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, several teeth or even an entire mouthful. Whatever your situation may be, there is a treatment suitable for you. The strong titanium root means that it can support a single crown or be used to support a customised bridge to fit comfortably in your mouth. You can even leave the clinic the same day with an entirely new set of teeth, it really is that simple.

Helps Preserve Bone

When you lose a tooth, over time the bone that was supporting it can recede. This can be further accelerated by using dentures, which can slowly wear away at the bone. However, unlike dentures, dental implants are placed into the jawbone 

When you lose teeth, the bone in the underlying jaw recedes. Dentures can accelerate bone loss in the jawbone, as they only sit on top of the gums, but dental implants are placed into the jawbone and can help slow down bone loss, making them an excellent option for missing teeth.

Treatment from start to finish was absolutely superb and very professional, I can't recommend them highly enough.

Ciara, Dublin

Dental Implants

Last A Lifetime

Alongside proper care, regular check-ups with your dentist and daily cleaning, dental implants can last a lifetime. It's why so many people are now opting for dental implants, as they look, feel and act just like your own natural teeth, which is why proper care is vital to their long term success. If you smoke, we do advise that you either cut down drastically or quit altogether, as smokers have a reduced rate of healing which can impact your dental implants. 

Bye-Bye Cavities

With dental implants you won't suffer from cavities, meaning you save money in the long term by avoiding fillings in the dentists chair. However, it is still important to treat your dental implants like natural teeth by maintaining a daily dental routine.

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