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23 January 2020
Dental Implants Open Evening

Fed up of struggling that ill-fitting denture? Can't stand sticky denture pastes and glues? Want to be able to smile in comfort and confidence? Then dental implants at Seapoint Clinic are the ideal solution for you.
If you're unsure of what options best suit your specific needs, then come along to our Dental Implant Open Evening at The Seapoint Clinic on Thursday, January 30th from 4pm to 7pm.
Book in to our open evening, have X-rays taken and meet with one of our leading implant dentists for a FREE consultation.
It's the perfect opportunity to find out everything you need to know about implant treatment and ask any question you may have.
SPACES ARE LIMITED so book your free appointment today on 01 284 2570 or email info@seapointclinic.ie now.