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8 June 2022
Children and Sugar Problems

It's no surprise to hear that dentists aren't big fans of sugar! Everyday we see the nasty effects on peoples health and it's not pretty.
According to recent research, tooth decay is the most common reason for children aged 5-9 being hospitalised. Children are missing important education due to being in dental pain.
"The European Centre of Obesity Management showed that overweight children are already suffering by the age of 6, putting them at higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and liver problems."
So what can we as parents do?
First step is to realise there is a problem. The food industry is trying to sell more food and drink, it's common knowledge that selling sugar is easy...it tastes great!
You need to be aware of the hidden sugars in foods, juices etc so you can choose healthier options most of the time.
For example, fruit juices and smoothies are often put out there as the "healthy" option. The reality is that they are full of natural sugars which behave almost identically in the body to other sugars. They cause a spike in blood sugars, insulin and they put kids at high risk of tooth decay.
Take care when selecting food and drinks for children. Water is usually the best drink at any age. Juices should be kept as a rare treat if you want the best long term health for your kids.