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23 November 2016
3 Solutions for Smile Makeovers on a Budget
A few small changes can transform everything
Teeth go through a lot. Cracks, chips, dark fillings, coffee stains – all these things add up and can make you feel like it’s a lost cause. But don’t be disheartened.
These procedures often take only one visit, so there’s no problem squeezing them in before a wedding or important event.
Dr. Marc Onuoha is an expert with ‘composite veneers’, or one-visit veneers. For those who aren’t keen on making permanent changes to their natural teeth, composite veneers are perfect. The only changes made are additional, so that your own teeth are untouched. The composite can even be removed if you’re not happy with it.
Shine them up!
Ever notice how that one friend has white teeth no mater how much red wine and coffee they’re drinking? Some of us aren’t so lucky. Teeth are a little bit absorbent, and some people are more prone to staining than others. White teeth give the overall appearance of healthy teeth and a full smile. Even after people have braces, it’s only when they do teeth whitening (offered complimentary) that we really see the transformation.
Forget about all those whitening treatments in pharmacies and advertised online. The only things that really lift years’ of stains are active ingredients that can only be administered by professionals. Zoom! Teeth Whitening gives instant results and afterwards you can use the whitening gel at home any time you want. You’ll even leave with a tube of our dentist-quality whitening gel for keeping the shade as light as you want.
Veneers & Crowns: The difference between doing it, and doing it right
Veneers and crowns are often the best route to a full smile makeover. These options let you choose the size, shape and colour of your new teeth, basically giving you total freedom to get the smile you’re looking for.
We offer a 5% upfront discount on these bigger treatments, that is when we’re not giving them away to competition winners!
We do advise top quality dental labs for the best results with porcelain veneers. The means getting Da Vinci Veneers and Crowns made in California.
However, there are other less costly options available, which look great and are perfect for most situations. Chat to your dentist about finding the right solution for you. It may be a combination of treatments to get at the issues you’re most concerned about.